This bale bag fits up to a 90lb bale and is the BEST CHOICE for offering TRUE Free Choice slow feeding for all animals.
For horses (1000lb +) you’ll have to refill this bag approximately every 2 & 1/2 days. Very practical for your weekends away from home. It also works great for larger herds of small farm animals and will reduce your workload! You may only have to refill once a week, depending on the size of your herd.
This hole size is perfect for the avid slow feeder horse that requires further slowing down of their hay and/or you own a small pony or miniature donkey or horse. This is a good hole size for smaller animals like rabbits, or to start mini's, donkeys, mules, alpacas, sheep, goats and lamas that are on grass hay (use larger hole size for pure alfalfa to limit damage to your nets).
Hay Types: medium to coarse grass hay