Wild Blue: The Story of a Mustang Appaloosa follows Blue, a roan filly, the colour of rain, who stands out for her distinctive colouring and her intelligence. Surrounded by her beloved family, including her gentle sister, Doe, and protected by her father, the band stallion, Blue lives a life both harsh and beautiful in the rugged terrain of undiscovered habitat. Thst all changes, though, when Blue and Doe are suddenly, inexplicably, captured by rogue cowboys, setting in motion a chain of events that inadvertently threatens the very survival of their hidden, secret herd.
Comes with a Freedom Series 1:12 scale model of Wild Blue (approx. 9" long, 6" tall), as well as the paperback novel of the same name. Reading level suitable for age 9, grade 4.
Made on the Duchess mold.
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